Best Gynecomastia Surgery in Delhi- Doctor ,Cost & Result

Looking for a way to fix gynecomastia, also known as man-boobs? Kalosa Aesthetics in Delhi offers advanced and painless gynecomastia treatment for this condition. Gynecomastia happens due to a hormone imbalance between estrogen and testosterone.


Our skilled surgeon, Dr Ashish Khare, has over ten years of experience in plastic surgery and has performed many successful procedures. He is recognized as one of the best gynecomastia surgeons in Delhi.

Visit Kalosa Aesthetics today to start your journey toward a more confident and masculine look. Book your consultation now and let us help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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👉45 Minute Procedure

👉Advanced Liposuctio

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What is exactly Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia, or breast swelling in males, is often caused by hormonal issues and is commonly known as man-boobs. This condition can lead to social embarrassment and serious mental health problems. While there are various treatments available, surgery is usually the most effective solution for gynecomastia.

Although the surgery itself is not very dangerous, it can be uncomfortable and might lead to social anxiety or even depression. To avoid these issues, it is important to get the right treatment. For a lasting solution, consider gynecomastia surgery at Kalosa Aesthetics in Delhi.

Grades Of Gynecomastia

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Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

The Different Stages of Gynaecomastia 


Gynecomastia can vary greatly among men. Some may have mild gynecomastia, while others might experience moderate to severe cases. The severity of gynecomastia depends on how long the condition has been present. The stages of gynecomastia are classified as follows:


  • Grade 1 (Small Breast Enlargement without Excess Skin): Slight breast growth that protrudes from the chest.
  • Grade 2 (Moderate Breast Enlargement without Excess Skin): Broader breast growth across the chest.
  • Grade 3 (Moderate Breast Enlargement with Excess Skin): Swelling that extends beyond the chest width and includes extra skin.
  • Grade 4 (Significant Breast Enlargement with Excess Skin): Severe breast enlargement with a lot of extra skin, making the breasts highly noticeable and resembling female breasts.

Check the Causes and Symptoms of Gynecomastia


  • Hormonal changes

  • Overuse of antibiotics

  • Anxiety medications

  • Excessive alcohol and drug abuse

  • Kidney [renal] failure


  • Fatty tissue lump

  • Uneven breast swelling

  • Pain or tenderness in the breasts

  • Nipple discharge

  • Enlarged areola diameter


How the Gynecomastia Treatment Undertaken?

Gynecomastia Diagnosis

The gynecomastia surgeon will carefully check your condition to figure out its severity and grade. They will ask about your medical history and any medications you are taking. To get a clearer picture and choose the best treatment, the surgeon might recommend some tests, such as:

  • Mammogram
  • CT scan
  • MRI scan
  • Blood test
  • Testicular ultrasound


Once the test results are available, the doctor will suggest the best treatment for your gynecomastia. For mild cases, medication might help. However, if the condition is more advanced, medication alone won’t be enough. In these cases, the doctor may recommend gynecomastia surgery. This involves liposuction and removing glandular tissue to treat the enlarged breasts.

The surgery is minimally invasive: the doctor makes a small cut around the areola to remove fat and tissue. It is a day surgery that typically takes 30-60 minutes, depending on how severe the condition is.

Techniques Used in Gynecomastia Treatment in Delhi

At Kalosa Aesthetics, they employ procedures for male breast reduction depending on the patient’s case of gynecomastia. Common methods include:

Liposuction: Aesthetically, this technique effectively gets rid of unwanted fat deposited in the chest area to offer a better look for patients with fatty tissues on their chest.

Excision: To correct cases where there is an abundance of glandular tissue or unnecessary skin in the chest area, excision surgery is employed to cut away the necessary amounts of tissue and firm up the chest area.

Combination of Liposuction and Excision: Latest surveys reveal that most patients require both approaches for it is acceptable if there is a mixture of fatty and glandular tissue.


Why select Kalosa Aesthetics in Delhi for Gynecomastia Surgery

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Expert Plastic Surgeon

Our skilled gynecomastia surgeon – Dr Ashish Khare has over 10 years of experience and extensive knowledge to perform the surgery safely. Each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their needs.

Minimal Scarring

The male breast reduction surgery is minimally invasive, resulting in minimal scarring. There are no significant aesthetic drawbacks to the procedure.

Advanced Male Breast Reduction Surgery

At Kalosa Aesthetics, we use a combination of liposuction and gland excision to effectively remove both glandular and fatty tissues from the chest area.

Low Recurrence Rate

We ensure that most of the glandular tissue is removed during surgery, leading to a very low chance of recurrence.

Why Choose Kalosa Aesthetics for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Top Plastic Surgeon


Dr Ashish Khare, our experienced gynecomastia surgeon, has over 10 years of expertise and a deep understanding of the procedure. Each patient receives a customized treatment plan designed to meet their specific needs.


Advanced Male Breast Reduction Surgery


At Kalosa Aesthetics, we use a combination of liposuction and gland excision to effectively remove both glandular and fatty tissue from the chest.


Minimal Scarring


Our male breast reduction surgery is minimally invasive, which means minimal scarring and no major aesthetic issues.


Low Recurrence Rate


We aim to remove most of the glandular tissue during surgery, resulting in a very low chance of the condition coming back.

What is the cost of gynecomastia surgery in Delhi ?

The price of a gynecomastia surgery in Delhi varies from 50000 Rs to 95000 Rs. This cost can vary depending on several factors, including:


• Doctor’s consultation

• Facility location

• Patient’s age

• Patient’s medical condition

• Degree of gynecomastia (how serious it is)

• Preoperative tests

• Aftercare and follow-up appointments

• Nature of the technique applied

Benefits of Gynaecomastia Surgery


  • Changes facial structure and has a more masculine feel to it, and improves the self-esteem as well as confidence of the individuals.

  • Help in weight management by eliminating the possibility of consuming more than the recommended amounts of food.

  • May help alleviate back pain; generally, less invasive and does not require a long period for the patient to heal.

  • May help decrease the risk of getting breast cancer.

  • Improves posture.

  • Shapes the chest.

  • Increases self-confidence.

  • It assists in the reduction of emotional stress among teenagers.

  • Enhances physical coordination.

  • Speeds up recovery.

Who is a good candidate for man-boobs surgery?

The best candidates for gynecomastia surgery are men with enlarged breast tissue caused by extra fat or glandular tissue. 

This condition might result from hormonal imbalances, medications, ageing, or certain medical conditions. 

Ideal candidates should be in good physical and mental health, without serious health issues that could affect healing. 

They should also be ready to make lifestyle changes to keep the surgery results.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Gynecomastia Surgery Permanent?

Yes, gynecomastia surgery permanently removes excess tissue and fat, making it a lasting solution.

Is Gynecomastia Surgery risky?

Gynecomastia surgery is generally safe with very few risks. You might experience some mild pain and discomfort during recovery, but this can be managed with medication. If you have safety concerns, consult one of the best gynecomastia surgeons – Dr Khare at Kalosa Clinic in Delhi.

How to Find the Best Gynecomastia Surgery Clinic in Delhi?

To find the best clinic for gynecomastia surgery in Delhi, get in touch with Kalosa Aesthetics. This is the top clinic in Delhithat offers high-quality care. This clinic has advanced facilities and experienced doctors to ensure your safety and effective treatment.

What is the best recommended Gynecomastia Treatment in Delhi?

Doctors recommend gynecomastia surgery with liposuction as the most effective treatment for enlarged breasts. This method provides quick and reliable results, unlike other treatments that may take months and are not guaranteed to be effective. For more details, contact Kalosa Clinic in Delhi.

What is the most effective way to eliminate Enlarged Breasts?

The most effective way to treat enlarged breasts is through gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction. This usually involves liposuction and gland removal for the best results.

Can Gynecomastia go away with exercise?

No, gynecomastia usually does not go away with exercise. While exercise can reduce excess fat, it doesn’t address the glandular tissue involved in gynecomastia.

How long should I rest after Gynecomastia Surgery?

After surgery, rest until the anaesthesia wears off. Once it does, you can return to your daily routine as long as you wear a compression garment. For more specific advice, consult Dr Khare – the specialist from Kalosa Aesthetics in Delhi.

Can I cure Gynecomastia without Surgery?

No, gynecomastia typically requires surgery for effective treatment. For more details, speak with the specialists in Delhi.


  1.  “Gynaecomastia | Definition of Gynaecomastia by Oxford Dictionary on”Lexico Dictionaries | Archived from the original on 8 March 2021. Retrieved 17 November 2020.
  2. ^ “Definition of Gynecomastia” Retrieved 17 November 2020.
  3. Jump up to:a b Iuanow, Elaine; Kettler, Mark; Slanetz, Priscilla J. (March 2011). “Spectrum of Disease in the Male Breast”. American Journal of Roentgenology196 (3): W247–W259. doi:10.2214/AJR.09.3994PMID 21343472.
  4. Jump up to:a b c d e f “Breast enlargement in males: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia” 2018. Retrieved 25 November 2020. Updated by Brent Wisse (10 November 2018)
  5. Jump up to:a b c d e f g Thiruchelvam, Paul; Walker, Jonathan Neil; Rose, Katy; Lewis, Jacqueline; Al-Mufti, Ragheed (22 September 2016). “Gynaecomastia”. BMJ354: i4833. doi:10.1136/bmj.i4833PMID 27659195S2CID 220098795.

d here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn’t cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn’t medical advice, isn’t meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn’t replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.

Author & Reviewer

Dr. Ashish Khare

MBBS, MS- General Surgery and Mch – Plastic Surgery

18 Years Experience

Dr. Ashish Khare is a trained plastic and cosmetic surgeon and owner of KALOSA HAIR TRANSPLANT & COSMETIC CLINIC in Gurgaon, which has been established 18+ years ago. He has vast experience of 10 years in the field of plastic surgery now.1 He has done almost 5000+ successful transplants till now