Best Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur – Doctor ,Cost & Result

Do you feel insecure about your self-esteem because you don’t have a well-defined muscular chest? Are you embarrassed to take off your top in public or are you a victim of a poor body image? If you are troubled by these factors, there is a tried-and-tested remedy that exists around the globe to get this surgery done from Gynecomastia treatment in Kanpur, India.

Dr Ashish Khare is one of the renowned plastic surgeons in India and the region of Kanpur with a specialization in gynecomastia surgery.

Thus, after 18+ years of activity and having done more than 5000 male breast reduction surgeries at his highly popular clinic called Kalosa Aesthetics, Dr Khare can be considered to be the best gynecomastia surgeon in Kanpur. He is devoted and has the aptitude to ensure you get the flat masculine chest you have always wanted.

It is about time that you stopped letting your shyness get the better of you. Contact Dr Ashish Khare now and get more insights into gynecomastia surgery and how you can transform your life for the better.

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👉45 Minute Procedure

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What do you mean by Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that affects men when they develop enlarged or prominent breast tissue. This can be a source of discomfort and embarrassment for many men. While it’s often referred to as “male boobs,” it’s a medical condition that can result from hormonal imbalances.

This condition can significantly impact a man’s self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available to address gynecomastia and help men feel more comfortable with their bodies.

Grades Of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, can be classified into different grades based on the severity of the condition. Here’s a breakdown of the common grading systems:

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Tanner Staging (For Adolescents)

This system is often used to assess the development of male secondary sex characteristics, including breast growth, during puberty.

  • Stage 1: No visible changes.
  • Stage 2: Slight elevation of the nipple.
  • Stage 3: Breast enlargement with a visible nipple mound.
  • Stage 4: Increased breast size with a clear separation between the nipple and areola.
  • Stage 5: Fully developed male breasts with a prominent nipple and areola.

Clinical Grading (For Adults)

This system is based on the size and shape of the enlarged breast tissue.

  • Grade 1: Small, barely noticeable breast enlargement.
  • Grade 2: Moderate breast enlargement, with the nipple and areola forming a mound.
  • Grade 3: Large breast enlargement, with the nipple and areola clearly visible.
  • Grade 4: Very large breast enlargement, with significant amounts of breast tissue.

Check the Causes and Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, can be a sensitive and embarrassing issue for many men. While it’s often temporary and not a cause for serious concern, it can be distressing. Here’s a breakdown of some common factors that contribute to this condition:

Hormonal Fluctuations

  • Puberty: During adolescence, hormonal changes can lead to temporary breast enlargement in boys. This is usually a normal part of development and often resolves on its own.
  • Aging: As men get older, their testosterone production may decline, leading to a relative increase in estrogen levels. This hormonal imbalance can contribute to gynecomastia.


  • Certain Drugs: Some medications, including those used to treat heart conditions, depression, and hormone imbalances, can have side effects that include gynecomastia.

Medical Conditions

  • Liver Disease: Conditions like cirrhosis can interfere with the liver’s ability to process hormones, potentially leading to gynecomastia.
  • Kidney Disease: Kidney failure can also disrupt hormonal balance.
  • Hormone-Producing Tumors: Tumors in the pituitary gland or testes can cause abnormal hormone production.

Lifestyle Factors

  • Alcohol Abuse: Excessive alcohol consumption can damage the liver and contribute to hormonal imbalances.
  • Drug Use: Certain drugs, such as marijuana, can influence hormone levels.

Important Note: If you’re experiencing gynecomastia, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and discuss appropriate treatment options. While the condition can often be managed, addressing any underlying medical issues is crucial.

Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Signs of Gynecomastia 

  • Enlargement of Male breast region
  • Typically symmetrical, with a rubbery or firm texture
  • Usually bilateral but occasionally unilateral
  • Enlargement can be asymmetrical even when both sides are impacted.
  • Possible tenderness and sensitivity, generally without severe pain

How the Gynecomastia Treatment Undertaken?

Reduction mammoplasty or gynecomastia may be described as the state whereby the breast has abnormally increased in size or has become too developed in males.

The causes that may contribute to the development of this condition may include; obesity, hormonal change, and genetics. If not treated, it results in low self-esteem and causes some discomfort to the affected person.

This is true at Kalosa Clinic in Kanpur , especially with our proficient gynecomastia surgeon Dr. Ashish Khare who has a wealth of knowledge and skills in redressing the men’s chest by reducing the floppy breast.

He has an MBBS from the University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and a Masters in General Surgery from Lady Hardinge Medical College New Delhi.

Further education was finished with Aesthetic, Plastic as well and Reconstructive Surgery within the MGS University, S. M. S. Medical College in Jaipur after three years of multispecialty training.

He also did specialization and fellowship training in Aesthetic Medicine at the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine affiliated with the Universities of Greifswald, Germany.

He has experience in Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery. He was assigned to work at Enhance Cosmetic Clinic and he performed Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery satisfactorily.

He has expertise in Hair Transplantation, Gynecomastia, Rhinoplasty, face surgery, Breasts surgery, Bat wings surgery, Liposuction, Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck, eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty, Scar revision, and many more.

Who is the right person to get the Gynecomastia Treatment?

Consider getting the best gynecomastia surgery in Kanpur if:

  • You feel hesitant to remove your shirt in public for activities like swimming, sports, or gym workouts.
  • You seek to enhance your body proportions.
  • You experience psychological discomfort often associated with having enlarged male breasts.
  • You aim to boost your social confidence.

You can achieve all these benefits by opting for gynecomastia treatment in Kanpur . Make sure you are aware of the gynecomastia treatment costs in Kanpur before proceeding with the surgery.

Here’s what you can expect on the day of your Gynecomastia Surgery:

Many patients believe they just need to show up at the hospital on the day of surgery, but this isn’t the case. There are several important steps patients must take on the day of their gynecomastia surgery:

  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing. Tops that open in the front and loose sweatpants are recommended.
  • Ensure your compression garment fits properly beforehand and bring it with you to the surgery.
  • Gather information about drains, typical symptoms during recovery, signs of potential complications, and any other essential details about the Quick recovery process.


Why select Kalosa Aesthetics in Gurgaon for Gynecomastia Surgery

Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive care for patients with gynecomastia. We prioritize patient safety and well-being, ensuring a comfortable and hygienic environment throughout your treatment journey.

Fast recovery

Our skilled gynecomastia surgeon – Dr Ashish Khare has over 10 years of experience and extensive knowledge to perform the surgery safely. Each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their needs.

Affordable Cost

The male breast reduction surgery is minimally invasive, resulting in minimal scarring. There are no significant aesthetic drawbacks to the procedure.

Permanent Results

At Kalosa Aesthetics, we use a combination of liposuction and gland excision to effectively remove both glandular and fatty tissues from the chest area.

Restore Confidence

The patient experienced a successful recovery and is pleased with the outcome.

Why should you trust Kalosa Clinic?

You might consider trusting Kalosa Clinic for the given several reasons:

Expertise: Kalosa Clinic boasts a team of experienced and skilled professionals, led by Dr Ashish Khare, who is renowned for his expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery.

Advanced Procedures: To ensure the greatest levels of safety and efficacy, the clinic uses state-of-the-art procedures and equipment. 

Specialized Approach: To provide the best possible results and patient happiness, Kalosa Clinic provides individualized treatment regimens that cater to the specific needs of each patient. 

Permanent & Satisfied  Results: Kalosa Clinic has established a reputation for providing top-notch outcomes based on a history of successful surgeries and happy patients.

Patient-Centric Care: The clinic prioritizes patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction and offers comprehensive support and guidance throughout the whole treatment journey.

Positive Reviews: Many patients have shared positive feedback and testimonials about their experiences with Kalosa Clinic and Aesthetics, further affirming its reliability and trustworthiness.

What factors affect the expenses of Gynecomastia Treatment in Kanpur?

The cost of gynecomastia surgery in Kanpur can vary based on several factors, including:

  • Doctor’s consultation and surgical fees
  • Severity or grade of gynecomastia
  • Treatment technique employed
  • Diagnostic tests required
  • Hospitalization costs
  • Pre and post-surgery medications
  • Follow-up care and consultations

Why should one prefer going for Gynecomastia Surgery?

  • Workouts, exercise, and diet won’t be effective.
  • Medication and fat burner pills won’t make a difference.
  • Homeopathy and Ayurveda won’t provide results.
  • Surgery is the only effective solution.

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Surgery Compared to Traditional Surgery

  • Minimal visible scarring with no risk of recurrence
  • Even skin tightening
  • The procedure takes just 45 minutes
  • Discharge on the same day
  • Return to work in just 2 days

Gynecomastia Support Package

  • No hidden fees
  • Complimentary pick-up and drop-off
  • Free post-surgery consultation
  • Dedicated care buddy support

Things to follow after Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur

  • Compression Garment: After the surgery, you will need to wear a tight garment for 20 days straight. This helps stop bleeding and reduce swelling.
  • Follow-up Appointment: You will need to come back for a check-up within a week. Some stitches might be taken out then. You will start to see your chest looking manlier by this point, but it will still be a bit swollen.
  • Avoiding Scars: It takes a few months for your skin to fully heal, but usually, you won’t need any extra surgery to remove scars.

Take it Easy: Right after the surgery, avoid doing any intense physical activities. Stick to gentle walks until you are fully healed.

A Journey to Confidence: Happy Patient Experience with Gynecomastia Surgery

The patient experienced a seamless recovery process and is highly pleased with the outcome.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ideal age for gynecomastia surgery?

An ideal age to have gynecomastia surgery done is 18 years old. On the other hand, there are situations where surgeons might consider operating on patients younger than 18.

What can give rise to gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia has a lot of reasons, some of them are hormonal changes, specific drugs, medical conditions, and some casual reasons, like a person’s lifestyle. It may also occur without a clear cause.

How long does the surgery take?

The actual surgery often takes around 45 minutes and 1 hour at the most. You would check out and leave on the same day the moment you felt at ease.

What is the success rate for Gynecomastia surgery?

With gynecomastia surgery, the results will be long-lasting and effective. The results of the operation remain permanent with a patient on a strict eating regimen, doing regular exercise, and sticking to the after-surgery recovery plan.

How long is the recovery period after gynecomastia surgery?

Almost all patients can go back to their lives in a few days, and a complete recovery is possible in four to six weeks. The light and simple physical activities and exercises can be practised after 10 days, however, those that are more physically demanding may have to be postponed.

Will gynecomastia surgery improve my self-confidence?

Most patients feel a lot surer and more comfortable with their bodies after gynecomastia surgery, so it can noticeably improve the chest’s appearance and overall look.

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost in Kanpur?

The price of the surgery of gynecomastia in Kanpur fluctuates based on the doctor’s skills, the degree of the operation, and the establishment. You will be given a specific cost estimate after you consult with the doctor. 

Are there any non-surgical options for treating gynecomastia?

Among the non-surgical treatments like medicines, some lifestyle changes like exercises or even hormonal therapy, methods can appear effective in certain cases, but the ultimate truth is that surgery is still the most effective way to deal with the problems. A consultation with a doctor who specializes in this field may provide you with different methods, and you will be able to choose the most appropriate one for you.


  1.  “Gynaecomastia | Definition of Gynaecomastia by Oxford Dictionary on”Lexico Dictionaries | Archived from the original on 8 March 2021. Retrieved 17 November 2020.
  2. ^ “Definition of Gynecomastia” Retrieved 17 November 2020.
  3. Jump up to:a b Iuanow, Elaine; Kettler, Mark; Slanetz, Priscilla J. (March 2011). “Spectrum of Disease in the Male Breast”. American Journal of Roentgenology196 (3): W247–W259. doi:10.2214/AJR.09.3994PMID 21343472.
  4. Jump up to:a b c d e f “Breast enlargement in males: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia” 2018. Retrieved 25 November 2020. Updated by Brent Wisse (10 November 2018)
  5. Jump up to:a b c d e f g Thiruchelvam, Paul; Walker, Jonathan Neil; Rose, Katy; Lewis, Jacqueline; Al-Mufti, Ragheed (22 September 2016). “Gynaecomastia”. BMJ354: i4833. doi:10.1136/bmj.i4833PMID 27659195S2CID 220098795.

d here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn’t cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn’t medical advice, isn’t meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn’t replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.

Author & Reviewer

Dr. Ashish Khare

MBBS, MS- General Surgery and Mch – Plastic Surgery

18 Years Experience

Dr. Ashish Khare is a trained plastic and cosmetic surgeon and owner of KALOSA HAIR TRANSPLANT & COSMETIC CLINIC in Gurgaon, which has been established 18+ years ago. He has vast experience of 10 years in the field of plastic surgery now.1 He has done almost 5000+ successful transplants till now

Gynecomastia: Understanding and Treating Man Boobs

Gynecomastia, often referred to as “man boobs,” is a condition affecting males where breast tissue enlarges. It can impact one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly, and can occur at any age. While relatively common, gynecomastia can significantly affect a man’s emotional and psychological well-being. Various factors contribute to this condition, including hormonal imbalances, medications, and underlying medical issues.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Medical Facility

Selecting the appropriate medical facility for gynecomastia treatment is crucial. Experienced surgeons specializing in this area are essential, as are state-of-the-art technology and facilities. Reputable clinics with a history of successful outcomes can provide peace of mind to patients.

Understanding Gynecomastia

Definition and Symptoms: Gynecomastia is the benign growth of glandular breast tissue in men. Symptoms can range from mild swelling to noticeable breast enlargement. Tenderness, pain, and firm or rubbery masses beneath the nipple are common. It’s essential to differentiate gynecomastia from pseudogynecomastia, caused by fat accumulation rather than glandular tissue.

Causes: Hormonal imbalances, particularly increased estrogen levels relative to testosterone, often contribute to gynecomastia. Factors influencing this imbalance include puberty, aging, certain medications (like anabolic steroids, anti-androgens, and some antidepressants), and underlying health conditions (hyperthyroidism, liver disease, kidney failure).

Psychological Impact: Gynecomastia can significantly impact a man’s emotional well-being. Embarrassment, social anxiety, and decreased self-confidence are common. These feelings can lead to avoiding activities where the condition might be noticeable, such as swimming or sports. In severe cases, gynecomastia can contribute to depression and other mental health issues.

Types of Gynecomastia Surgery

  • Liposuction-Assisted Mastectomy: Primarily for excess fatty tissue, this minimally invasive procedure involves removing fat deposits through small incisions. Suitable for patients with good skin elasticity and minimal glandular tissue involvement.
  • Excisional Surgery: Recommended for significant glandular tissue, excess skin, or nipple-areola complex repositioning. Involves removing glandular tissue and excess skin through incisions around the areola or in natural breast folds.
  • Combination Procedures: Combines liposuction and excisional surgery for cases with a mix of fatty and glandular tissue or when significant chest reshaping is needed.

Selecting a Clinic for Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur

  • Accreditation and Certification: Ensure the clinic adheres to strict medical standards and is certified by recognized medical boards.
  • Technology and Facilities: Advanced medical equipment and state-of-the-art facilities enhance procedure precision and patient safety.
  • Patient Testimonials and Reviews: Positive reviews indicate a clinic’s reliability and the expertise of its medical staff.

Leading Doctors for Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur

  • Dr. Ashish khare: A renowned plastic surgeon specializing in gynecomastia surgery, known for meticulous techniques and patient-centered care.

Preparing for Gynecomastia Surgery

  • Pre-operative Consultations: Discuss medical history, medications, and previous surgeries with the surgeon to assess suitability and plan the procedure.
  • Health and Lifestyle Adjustments: Stop smoking, limit alcohol, maintain a balanced diet, and exercise regularly to support healing.
  • Cost Considerations: Understand the cost, including surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, facility fees, and post-operative care. Explore financing options if needed.

The Surgical Procedure: What to Expect

  • Day of Surgery: Arrive early, complete paperwork, and prepare for the procedure. Anesthesia type (local, regional, or general) depends on the procedure’s complexity.
  • Duration and Recovery Time: Surgery can last 1-3 hours, with recovery time varying. Light activities may resume within a week, with full recovery taking several weeks to months.
  • Post-Surgery Care and Recovery: Focus on managing swelling, preventing infection, and ensuring comfort. Wear compression garments, keep the surgical area clean, and attend follow-up appointments.

Risks and Complications of Gynecomastia Surgery

  • Common Risks: Infection, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, changes in nipple sensation, scarring, and asymmetry.
  • Long-term Considerations: Potential changes in breast appearance due to weight fluctuations, hormonal changes, or aging. Additional procedures might be necessary.
  • Preventing Complications: Follow pre and post-operative care instructions, attend follow-up appointments, and promptly address any unusual symptoms.

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur

  • Factors Influencing Cost: Surgeon’s expertise, procedure type, clinic location, and anesthesia.
  • Average Cost Range: INR 70,000 to INR 1,50,000.
  • Insurance and Financing Options: Check with your insurance provider for coverage eligibility and explore financing options offered by the clinic.

Patient Experiences and Testimonials

  • Success Stories: Many patients report improved physical appearance, self-confidence, and overall quality of life.
  • Challenges and Resolutions: Some patients face challenges like managing pain, complications, or adjusting to body image changes.
  • Advice from Previous Patients: Thoroughly research surgeons and clinics, prepare mentally and physically, maintain realistic expectations, and follow post-operative care instructions.


Gynecomastia surgery offers a solution for men with enlarged breast tissue, providing physical and psychological benefits. Choosing the right clinic and surgeon, understanding the procedure, and proper preparation are essential for a successful outcome. With careful planning and a positive mindset, patients can achieve satisfying and long-lasting results.