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Explore the 360 Vaser liposuction surgery process, guaranteeing best outcomes with professional aftercare and safety measures.

Choosing to undergo 360 Vaser liposuction surgery is a bold move toward the body of your dreams. It's thrilling to think that the journey doesn't end with the procedure, even though the promise of sculpted curves and increased confidence is thrilling. As significant as the liposuction surgery itself, your post-operative period is crucial in determining how things turn out in the end. Taking charge of your transition and setting the stage for a seamless, fruitful, and ultimately fulfilling experience is what you get when you adopt the appropriate post-operative tactics.

Imagine waking up in your new body and feeling empowered and accomplished at the same time because you know you conquered every challenge. It all begins with being aware of the subtleties of post-operative care and making decisions that will best support your recuperation and maximize your outcomes.

Once a patient understands Vaser liposuction of the belly as the only reliable method of fat loss, they should know about the various post liposuction care and management. 360 Vaser liposuction surgery involves the fat removal, involving the whole torso that includes the area involving the lower back, the mid section of the back also called as bra folds or bra buckle, both the sides love handles, lower abdomen, which may be saggy and the most stubborn upper abdomen fat. 

Once the patient plans for the 360 Vaser Liposuction Surgery. He or she should understand the various post operative methods and precautions to follow that may help in early recovery. 

1. After the Surgery:  Once the patient is shifted to recovery post liposuction and after the period of sedation is over, they should actively move their foot and legs. Active mobilization helps in movement of blood flow and may prevent deep vein thrombosis. One may feel discomfort initially due to the dressing. We also apply suction drains routinely, so to prevent bed wetting and all the excess fluid drain in the suction bag.

After Six to eight hours we allow the patient to take clear fluids and a semisolid diet. We make the patient sit and follow by walking, which  helps in early recovery. Injectable medications, fluids, and urine output is monitored. Once the patient passes his initial 24 hours in post operative recovery, we may shift the patient to ward . 

2. First  Twenty Four Hours: After the first 24 hours of liposuction surgery, the patient may feel better. The patient is advised to take a solid breakfast, the pain is better and the urine catheter is removed. There may be some dressing and if the dressing is soaked we change the dressing. At Kalosa Aesthetics,  We explain to every patient about the post operative care and management before going for the procedure. We motivate the patient to take a good solid diet and four liters of water  from the very next day. Patient are advised to  sit on a recliner and mobilize.

3. After Day One: After Day One has passed, the patient feels much better and healthy. A good solid diet and fluid intake should be followed as advised. On day two, Surgeons remove the dressing and the patient can observe the change in contour and shape. The skin may be discolored and some bruising can be seen, but gradually fade. Customized pressure garments are given to the patient and the patient is discharged from the hospital.

4. Post Discharge Care and Precautions: A successful recovery from 360 Vaser liposuction surgery, depends on post-discharge care and precautions. By taking these steps, the risk of complications is reduced and optimal healing is guaranteed. The Discharge instructions are as follows:

  • Wear Pressure Garments: Compression garments are the integral part of Liposuction. Surgeons are the artist but customized pressure garments give shape  to the body and also helps in skin resorption. The added benefit of the compression garment is preventing skin and subcutaneous edema. The result may get compromised, if the patient is not sincere.

  • Good Diet: High protein solid diet should be taken post liposuction surgery. Some patients avoid taking a good solid diet just after the surgery as they believe it’s a fat loss surgery. A good diet provides calories and energy required to get on track. At least four liters of water intake is recommended post surgery. 

  • Active Mobilisation: The patients are advised to actively mobilize post liposuction surgery. Bed rest in the morning hours should be avoided. The patient should start with 15 mins of walk both morning and evening and which may extend upto a hour. Walking helps in reabsorption  of fluid, increases lymphatic and circulation, decreases edema. 

  • Skin Care: Skin care is the integral part post liposuction. The pressure garments should be removed or released at frequent intervals. Patients are advised to take showers from the third day of surgery. Petroleum jelly and body lotions should be applied at least three to four times in twenty four hours. Patients should avoid giving continuous pressure to the arms and thighs and compression should be removed at least two to three times.

360 Liposuction patients return to normal work in five to seven days. It all depends on the age of the patient, fat distribution and strong will power of the patient. Hence, If you need such a treatment, you can connect with the best plastic surgery clinic in Delhi, India (Kalosa Aesthetics). We have top class and highly experienced plastic surgeons like Dr Ashish Khare.

From $150

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